Thursday, December 29, 2011

Week 17 ultrasound 12/29/2011

Seems like the ultrasound technician might of been in a rush since it is almost near the holidays .
it would of taken a little more effort to get the babies face profile ..but that is alright it is interesting to see the arms and the spine.Looking healthy.Once again this technician who is different from the last said it appears to be a girl :) but she says by the next ultrasound we should know for sure .LOL My husband will have to prepare to be into pretty girly things for our daughter .One of each we'll have a boy and a girl ..what a blessing .Next appt the anatomy on January 12th at 12.30

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

15 weeks and 2 days ultrasound

15 Weeks and 2 days .Next ultrasound is in another 2 weeks and my anatomy ultrasound is on January 12,2012.

The ultrasound technician tried to give a look to see the sex. The umbilical cord was in the way for most of the first set . Had a vaginal ultrasound was moving around so fast playing so although she could not be 100 percent she is almost positive she says it is a girl! My husband claims he does not see how she can make a decision like that !! Lol he wants another boy .Baby is looking healthy according to the doctor . The test came back and the chances of downs syndrome is equal to that of if I was a 15 year old and not a 40 year old ...just like with my son Sandro three years ago :)
I think it's a girl but I am happy with either one just being healthy . I did find out I need to take a combined calcium and vitamin D though supplement because although I take Preg Vit prenatal it is not enough I am low in vitamin D according to my last blood test yes I went straight away and bought some :)

Oh yea according to my husband the baby has the same forehead of our son so it is a boy .:)